Thursday, 15 November 2007

CDONTS multiple attachments sendmail

CDONTS_Object.AttachFile(Physical_Path_to_File, English_Name_For_File)

Assuming your files already exist on the server:

1) Include the Server.MapPath() or specify the full file path.
It doesn't seem to like virtual paths
2) Set the BodyFormat and Mail Format to Zero(0)
3) Then repeat the Attachfile method for each file

Dim objMail
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.From = ""
objMail.To = ""
objMail.Subject = "Multiple File Attachments"
objMail.Body = "Intentionally Left Blank"
objMail.BodyFormat = 0
objMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.AttachFile( Server.MapPath("images") & "\file1.jpg")
objMail.AttachFile( Server.MapPath("images") & "\file2.jpg")
objMail.AttachFile( Server.MapPath("images") & "\file3.jpg")
Set objMail=Nothing

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